Hi, my name is Moritz Waser (but I go by some form of ’tunefish’ on almost every platform). I am currently a PhD-student in the System Security research group at the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications (IAIK) at TU Graz in Austria. Before that, I was employed at AVL List GmbH as a student trainee where I implement low level interfaces on microcontrollers for powertrain control applications. My interests are fairly widespread. When it comes to computer science I mostly enjoy working with hardware. This includes both interacting with real hardware (as in building and measuring things) as well as anything related to hardware simulation, synthesis and verification. In terms of research, I mostly focus on fault security and trusted computing. In my free time, I am a member of machquadrat, a hacker-/makerspace in Styria/Austria and I am also an aspiring amateur musician. I play euphonium in a wind orchestra and piano/bass in a blues-rock band. If I find time for it I would also love to look into writing and conducting music in the future.

Contact me

There are several ways to contact me:


About this server

This website and the underlying server are the result of me trying to figure out linux server administration and web development. Everything on this server runs on free open source software. The server itself runs on a VPS hosted by netcup.de. The website, which is generated by Hugo, is designed to be very minimal and lightweight to be fast and responsive. Next to this website, the server also hosts an instance of ejabberd.

To be more specific, this server runs:

  • Void Linux
  • nginx
  • MariaDB
  • ejabberd